About Tools
Tools™ to reduce mistakes & rework
“Certifiers can never be confident about the quality of building work they are certifying unless designers & the trades apply pride, skill & craftspersonship to every high risk task”
Jerry Tyrrell Founder Tools™
Tools™ helps solve the crisis of poor quality in the Industry & helps Certifiers make more money every defect-free day.
Tools™ replaces Australia's unintelligible Codes & Standards with illustrated Rules & craftsperson best practice which can be accessed in under 10 secs on your Smartphone or Laptop.
Tools™ want Certifiers to be part of the quality system Australians are desperate for. Real change begins with prevention of loss & shame in one simple step - access to knowledge. Success is really helped when Certifiers can easily guide & communicate to Contractors & Developers about the quality standards required to help them build well.
Tools™ save Certifiers time
• accessing & scrolling through the 23,000 pages of the NCC & reference documents
• checking a high risk detail on site
• showing & explaining to important Clients that a solution is easy even when quite technical
• with all future jobs after a Designer or Contractor starts using Tools™ to achieve consistent high quality, compliant work
• when a dispute is avoided or you need to show a Client how much you really know about the right way to build..
And you can easily share any Tool™ with your Colleagues, Consultants & Contractors. This is the way we all learn from each other.
Tools™ includes lots of helpful features
• Citations on every high risk fact so you can source the actual NCC or reference document
• o’meters™ that help you navigate instantly
• SpecTools™ which deliver usable Specifications that will be actually useful & limit litigation
• CPD points whenever you use & share knowledge
• alerts about changes in Codes
The ROI for Certifier success using digital 24 / 7 knowledge is compelling … or maybe you want to just keep watching adverse media reports and unhappy Staff who had to
process another unintentional mistake?
“Certifiers can never be confident about the quality of building work they are certifying unless designers & the trades apply pride, skill & craftspersonship to every high risk task”
Jerry Tyrrell Founder Tools™
Tools™ helps solve the crisis of poor quality in the Industry & helps Certifiers make more money every defect-free day.
Tools™ replaces Australia's unintelligible Codes & Standards with illustrated Rules & craftsperson best practice which can be accessed in under 10 secs on your Smartphone or Laptop.
Tools™ want Certifiers to be part of the quality system Australians are desperate for. Real change begins with prevention of loss & shame in one simple step - access to knowledge. Success is really helped when Certifiers can easily guide & communicate to Contractors & Developers about the quality standards required to help them build well.
Tools™ save Certifiers time
• accessing & scrolling through the 23,000 pages of the NCC & reference documents
• checking a high risk detail on site
• showing & explaining to important Clients that a solution is easy even when quite technical
• with all future jobs after a Designer or Contractor starts using Tools™ to achieve consistent high quality, compliant work
• when a dispute is avoided or you need to show a Client how much you really know about the right way to build..
And you can easily share any Tool™ with your Colleagues, Consultants & Contractors. This is the way we all learn from each other.
Tools™ includes lots of helpful features
• Citations on every high risk fact so you can source the actual NCC or reference document
• o’meters™ that help you navigate instantly
• SpecTools™ which deliver usable Specifications that will be actually useful & limit litigation
• CPD points whenever you use & share knowledge
• alerts about changes in Codes
The ROI for Certifier success using digital 24 / 7 knowledge is compelling … or maybe you want to just keep watching adverse media reports and unhappy Staff who had to
process another unintentional mistake?